Reduce the Amount Your Cat Sheds

If you are cat owner, you are very familiar with cat hairs covering your entire clothes and furniture. You are so familiar with this that you have stopped trying to prevent this from happening. But what about the time when you have guests at your home or the sweater that you were thinking to wear is now covered in cat hairs? Shedding is a very common process for every cat and there is little you can do to prevent it. But if you are noticing extreme shedding from your cat, then it is time to take some serious actions.

Shedding of a cat’s hair could be due to any reasons, the major of them bring the changing of seasons, cat’s diet and her mental and physical health. The best ways to control extreme shedding is by giving them a proper diet, helping them in their grooming and keeping them hydrated.

It is necessary that before we discuss how to reduce shedding in cats, we should know why cats shed more in certain conditions and how best to control and respond to such conditions.

Why does shedding in cats happen

As we stated above, cats shed hair when there are changes in the weather, usually cats shed more hair in warmer weather. This is because many cats are thick furred, and the hot weather causes them to shed their fur so they can cool themselves down.

Another reason is when cats are not grooming themselves properly. Now you must be thinking that grooming themselves is the only thing a cat does but as a cat grows older, they are not able to groom themselves properly.

Cats also shed hairs when they are stressed out. Reasons for such could be changings in her surrounding or if she is sick. In such conditions, it is necessary that you consult a vet.

All in all, shedding in cats is a very common process and cannot to stopped or control. The only thing you can do is reduce it as much as you can or find ways to make it not so annoying.

Ways to reduce shedding in cats

  1. Groom your cat

Although this is a job that cats enjoy doing themselves, a little help in grooming will go a long way. If you regularly groom your cat, then the hair that might shed later will be collected by you. You can groom a cat with the help of a brush or a grooming glove. Other ways to groom your cat is by giving them a bath or cleaning them with water on a regular basis. This will greatly reduce shedding in your cats and is one of the most effective methods.

  1. Proper diet

Another effective method to reduce shedding in cats is by giving them a proper diet. Cats lose hairs when they are not getting all the nutrients that are essential for them. Many people have suggested switching your cat from dry food to wet food.

A sign that your cat is not getting the proper nutrients can be seen by the condition of her fur, such as your cat’s fur coat will appear dull, oily and have excessive dandruff. This could be a sing that your cat is suffering from a skin disease or an allergy and should be taken to a vet.

  1. Reduce anxiety

One of reasons your cat might be shedding too much hair nowadays is because she is stressed out or feeling anxious. One of the major reasons a cat feels this way is due to a big change they are not comfortable with yet. Under such circumstances, it is necessary that you help your cat or keep her as much company as you can until she starts feeling better again.

  1. Keep your cat hydrated

Another amazing technique to reduce shedding in cats is keeping them hydrated. Water is necessary for all living things, not only it helps to keep all systems working perfectly, it also helps to maintain healthy skin. Provide your cat with plenty amount of water throughout the day and make them incorporate it more in their daily life. You will start noticing the changes immediately.

Ways to reduce cat hair all over the house

As there is no way to completely prevent hair shedding from happening, there are ways you can control the amount of cat hairs you see all over your house and clothes. You can do this by many simple machines or techniques.

  1. Lint rollers

This is only useful for cleaning up smaller areas or clothes. If you have a lint roller, you can easily remove all the hairs from the shirt and have them good to wear. It is a bit labor inducive but takes care of the problem.

  1. Her very own place

If your cat has her own place where she feels relaxed and secure, there is no need for her to spend her time anywhere else. That means the hair shedding will be reduced to a single place or a few places and thus will be easier to clean up too.

  1. Cover it up

You must know the places where you find your cat hairs the most. A simple solution involves covering that area up with sheets or blankets or something that be easily washed. This idea is simple, but it is not favorable as you can’t cover up every area of your house.


There is no reason for you to stress out if you see your cat shedding hair. This is a completely natural process in animals. The reasons are usually a big change in a cat’s life which might affect her mental health, cats shed more har in warmer weathers or they are not getting a proper diet. All of these can be taken care of easily. If you feel that the hair shedding is more than usual, we recommend you consult a vet as she could be suffering from an allergy or skin disease. Otherwise, spend as much as time with your cat and help her in grooming and maintaining a great mental peace.

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