Are All Cats Afraid of Water? Myth Busted

Have you ever tried bathing your cat and then regretted it immediately, well you are not the only one. Why do cats hate water so much? Well the answer to that question is not that cat hate water, it is actually that they are afraid of it. If you have ever tried to get you cat even remotely wet, you are met with the response of clawing, biting and making ear splitting noises. This strong reaction causes you to swear to never ever bathe your cat again.

The fear of cats with water is not universal, there are some cats which actually enjoy taking a bath and use this is as a fun activity. But the cats are scared of water is that they have never been exposed to it, it takes longer for them to get dry and honestly, they can clean themselves without water.

Let’s discuss some of the main reasons why some cats are afraid of water while some are not and what is the reason for such intense reactions.

Reasons why cats are afraid of water

We all know that cats don’t like water, but have we ever tried to figure out why. Some of the reasons might be easy to guess while others will shock you as well.

  1. Feeling sluggish

Cats which have long haired coat or generally cats, if become wet, become sluggish in their movements. Cats are predators in nature and any sense of unpreparedness is bound to get them in a frenzy. They don’t like the feeling of not being totally in control and thus do not like baths in general.

  1. Not necessary

Many cats don’t find it necessary to clean themselves with water. When their while life they have been licking themselves clean, the sudden exposure to water makes them afraid and uneasy. It is something they are not accustomed to. So, if given time and enough exposure, your cat might actually end up enjoying water and baths.

  1. Health issues

You might notice your cat bending its ear close, to avoid any water getting in them. If any water gets in their ears, it could lead to infection if the water is not healthy. Also, your cat does not like getting wet, as they have a thick coat, they have trouble drying up and it could lead to cold and other issues.

  1. Odors

Cats are extremely sensitive creatures and they have a great sense of smell, that’s how they are sniffing out the treats. Cats do not like water from ponds, lakes and oceans because of the smell created by fishes and other animals. Cats don’t want that smell anywhere near them.

Why domestic cats don’t like water

Its not like we have never seen cats in water on channels, so why don’t our pet cats enjoy water? Its simple. Our cats may be descendants of predators but there still is a big gap. Our cats, especially those who are born in colder temperatures have never used water as a source of cleaning themselves, the sound and movement of water makes them afraid of it.

The other reasons that domestic cats dislike water is because they have never used water as a source to hunt and get food. Like wild cats do, so it seems the lack of interaction has caused the negative response towards water.

Another reason your cat might be clawing and biting you when you are forcing it to take a bath is that it might have a past negative experience with it and that has caused it to be afraid of water.

Wild cats and water

As we mentioned above, wild cats like tiger, leopard and lion are not afraid of water and its not because they are strong and mighty but because they have adapted to it. Water is a major source of their food and hence they do not dislike water.

How to bathe a cat

Now comes the question about ow to bathe your cat. Obviously, you don’t need to do this as your cat can take care of her hygiene very well on her own. But if you do want to give your cat a bathe, lets follow these steps as to not spook her. First use a small tub for your cat’s bath, a larger surface might feel very intimidating and make her even more scared. Fill in the water gently so it doesn’t make much noise as your cat might be scared by that too. Be very gentle and get your cat to be as calm as possible so she can get a positive interaction with water and see that its nothing to be scared of.

Cats that like water

There are certain breeds of cats that actually love the water and enjoy being in it. You will find hat these cats have a great body for swimming and have no trouble staying afloat. Most poplar among these breeds are; the Turkish van which is also called “the swimming cat”, Savannah, Maine coos, Bengal and also the Norwegian forest cats.


Generally, cats do not like water, but that is not the case with every cat. There are many breeds of cats known that love water and enjoy bathing and swimming in it. The reason for some cats disliking water includes their heavy coat, the wetness and the major reason being that they have no exposure to it. Knowing all this, it is important that when you do bathe your cat or have a cat that enjoys water, make sure to keep an eye on them, see if they have trouble staying afloat and clean their ears after a swim to avoid any infections. Now you know, its not every cat and you can create a positive experience for you cat for the future.

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