Can Cats Drink Milk Safely?

We have all seen the picture of cats happily drinking milk and that’s what we all believe too. We think we know all about cats when in fact we don’t. there is so much that has been drilled into our mind by watching movies and shows that we think it is the truth. But on the contrary, we are going to break one of the biggest myths you have believed for a long time.

Many people have not even considered asking themselves this question, can cats drink milk? Obviously, what are you talking about. Well, this is true for very certain cases. Cats can easily drink milk until the time they are weaning, means when they are born or a few times later, but when a cat becomes an adult, it has trouble digesting milk, which is because it is lactose intolerant.

Now you must be curious that why is that so? don’t worry, we are here to solve all your mysteries and make sure you know what is best for your cat and why this happens in the first place. Let’s get started!

Lactose intolerance in cats

Like humans, cats also suffer from lactose intolerance. You will find your cat can easily drink milk when it is born till a few weeks old. But when kittens start eating solid foods, they develop lactose intolerance.

Lactose intolerance means that the enzyme whose job is to digest lactose, which is the main sugar in milk, is not functioning properly or is not being developed in the body. Humans and cats with lactose intolerance, if they drink milk, the milk will remain undigested and cause pain, an upset tummy, and even vomiting in cats and humans both. The milk undigested can also get fermented in the gut, causing bloating and gassiness.

The signs of lactose intolerance could be seen within 8-10 hours after they have been given milk. Diarrhea is also a symptom of being lactose intolerance and thus you need to check your cat before giving her anymore milk than she can digest.

Are all cats lactose intolerant

Now are you being worried that you are feeding your cat something that makes it sick? Don’t fret right now, not all cats are lactose intolerant. Some cats love drinking milk and they find it a nice treat. Still, it is advised that we shouldn’t give our cat milk as a whole one time meal, the reason behind this is that milk does not have all the essential nutrients that are needed in your cat’s diet. Thus, the milk should be kept to a minimum.

Is all forms of dairy bad for cats

When we are discussing the bad side effects of milk that your cat can have, people might think they can provide the craving of cream for their cat by other dairy related products. Well, they are not wrong to think so.

If we are talking about feeding our cat cheese and yogurt, chances are she might not get any symptoms of lactose intolerance. Why is that? Well, these foods are treated with many other things and have different amount of dairy in them. But before you start making this decision on your own, it is important that you discuss this with a vet first.

What’s wrong with cow milk

Generally, nothing is wrong with cow milk, it is actually a great source of fats and nutrients for humans! But when it comes to cats, cow milk is bad idea. Although every milk is a bad idea for a lactose intolerant cat. But we are talking about cats that love milk.

Cow’s milk contains a large content of fat and sugar. Too much fat is not safe for any cat. This could badly affect their diet and health. Thus, if you want to give your cat cow’s milk, make sure it is in very small quantity.

Other types of milk

As we said above, giving your cat cow’s milk in small quantities in acceptable, but there are certain types of milk that you should never give your cat. These include; soymilk, coconut milk or any milk that is plant or nut related.

All these types of milk have high carbohydrate content and thus your cat’s digestive system is not equipped to deal with such a situation, and this would end up being a bad experience for both you and your cat.

Can cats drink chocolate milk

For some cats, this is a bog no no. cats which are not able to digest lactose properly cannot drink sweet milk as it has a large amount of carbohydrate and they cannot digest it properly, but you must have seen some cats drinking chocolate milk and feeling okay. Well, in that case, it is still not advised to give your cat chocolate milk as it contains a lot of calories and could result in physical problems for your cat such as obesity.

Milk replacements

What to give your cat if you cannot give her milk. Simple, give her water. Water is essential for every living thing. Same goes for cats. Water helps them improve their organs and keep them healthy. You can also replace the milk with wet foods. The idea is to keep your cat hydrated so incorporate as much water as your can in her daily routine.


There is a simple test you can do to check if your cat is lactose intolerant or not just give her a spoon of milk and wait for a few hours to see if she gets any symptoms or not. In this way you would know if you can give your cat milk or not.

Many cat owners are not awake about their cat being lactose intolerant. But it is time you learn that cats and milk is just a myth. It is advised that milk should not be given to any cat and if you are, make sure it’s in a small amount or you can use lactose free milk or other milk replacers.

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