Using Vinegar to Kill Fleas

No matter if you are a human or pet, fleas are a problem that you will both face. You might see your cat scratching herself crazy all the time; it might be because she has fleas, dandruff, or maybe even an infection. Whatever the case may be, excessive scratching is not good for your cat’s skin and thus you shouldn’t just sit around for it to go away. When the problem is fleas, the only solution that you have is to remove them completely.

Fleas are hard to get rid of, but before you buy an expensive shampoo for your cat, you can try some home remedies to take care of the problem. One of the most famous remedies involves using vinegar to bathe your cat as it is an acid and helps kill fleas. And believe it or not, it actually works, and people do it all the time.

There are certain things you need to keep in mind when you are using home remedies to cure fleas, that is, consult a vet before using anything on your pet. We will discuss how vinegar is helpful in removing fleas and how should you give a proper vinegar bathe to your feline friend.

What is vinegar and how it helps to remove fleas in cats

Vinegar or apple cider vinegar which is commonly used in your household is a grocery item that has many purposes beside being used in your drinks and foods. There are many homemade remedies including apple cider vinegar. This acid can be used for cleaning and sanitizing purposes and has been a major part of many cleaning recipes.

Due to its strong properties, it is great for removing fleas from cats and dogs. Vinegar does not kill fleas but helps to remove them from your cat’s coat, so it becomes easier for you to take care of the problem. Some people also use vinegar in their pet’s food to prevent further contamination from fleas or pests from ever occurring. An important precaution is consulting a vet before using vinegar in your cat’s bath or food, as it could be dangerous for them as well.

Apple cider vinegar bath

Before you bathe your cat with vinegar, it is important to do a traditional bath first. As it helps in removing excess dirt and allergens that might be present in your cat’s coat. Now I know that getting your cat to take a single bath is too much and now we are talking about two! But fleas are a problem that needs to be tackled immediately before it gets worse.

When preparing a bath for your cat, make sure you keep the water warm and cozy. Never dump your cat in a bucket full of water, instead pour little water at a time on her slowly, make sure to cover her ears and don’t get any water on their face. Cats are easily spooked by the sound of splashing water and you don’t want that. No matter what kind of shampoo you use, make sure to rinse your cat twice as shampoos can be an irritant for your cat.

Now its time for the vinegar bath, first and foremost, dilute the vinegar in a ratio of 2:1 by water. Vinegar is an acid and cannot be used concentrated on your cat’s skin. Now bath your cat in the same way as you do, making extra care of not splashing water into her ears, eyes or any wounds she might have. Wash off the vinegar and you will see the results after a few times.

You can also make a spray out of this mixture and spray your cat regularly; the result will be a soft and shiny coat free of fleas and dandruff.

This method helps in removing the fleas, not killing them. This helps to remove the fleas easily with the help of a comb and prevent further contamination as well.

Apple cider vinegar in cat’s food

For this purpose, you need wet cat food. Since people find the concept of making their pet drink vinegar not safe, it is not very popular. All you need to do is add ¼ teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into chicken broth and then add this into your cat’s wet food. You have to do this at every feeding to make sure it works.

Ingesting vinegar helps in creating an acidic environment in your cat’s body which is disliked by fleas and pests and thus helps in preventing fleas from occurring again.

Is it safe to use vinegar?

Although it is effective to some degree, a homemade vinegar spray will not be enough to completely eradicate the fleas from your pet’s coat. Fleas usually occur to the food source and thus that is the source you need to take care of. Because we use diluted vinegar, this acidic strength is not powerful enough to penetrate the shell of the fleas and kill the eggs. Thus, it might be a good temporary solution, but you might need to consult a vet for a proper removal of fleas.

When we talk about ingesting vinegar, it is a very careful procedure that needs to be consulted by a professional first. As it is an acid, it can cause stomach ulcers and other serious diseases to your pet.


Fleas are hard to get rid of and thus it is a big worry when you see your cat itching and scratching all the time. No matter what flea resistant shampoo you buy, the problem doesn’t go away. Well its time for a good old-fashioned homemade remedy. Vinegar has been known to remove fleas from your cat’s fur coat. People have used vinegar in baths and even in their food. Although, we are not so sure about ingesting vinegar, but a vinegar bath is a sure and safe way to rid your cat from pests and other allergens that might be present.

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