Do Cats Fart?

Our feline friends are not so graceful and elegant that they can’t fart, that would be highly unjustified for the dogs. This is question that even though might have never crossed your mind but now that you are thinking about it, you realize you don’t know the answer. Do cats fart??

Well, cats actually do fart. But they just do it very quietly because they are extremely clever and don’t want any blame on them. Cats have all the necessary system it requires to produce gas, and their diet consist of food that makes them fart.

Let’s answer come questions regarding about why cats fart, what kind of foods cause the farting and is their any health concerns related to it.

Why it happens

Well the answer to this is quite obvious, it is the same reason as us humans. When cats take in too much air, this air accumulates in the digestive tract and that causes the cat to expel gas. Reasons for gas in cats is majorly the type of food they intake or any allergens they might be exposed to.

Cat farts are silent because the amount of air accumulated in a cat is extremely small, but it can be smell, depending what she just had for dinner. Let’s study the reasons why cats fart and if it can be dangerous to their health.

Reasons for cat farts

  1. Swallowing air

One of the most common reasons for cat farting is that they have swallowed too much air or eaten their food too much or too fast. This is quite common and is no reason for concern. Your cat will fart occasionally, and it wouldn’t be even smelly.

  1. High fiber food

If your cat has a diet that contains high amount of fiber, then that is the reason your cat is farting. This fart will be smelly too and you can totally tell the difference. Some of these foods include dairy or tuna. Change your cat’s diet to see if it makes any difference. Also try using high quality cat food as it is easily digestible by cats.

  1. Human food

Adding human food to your cat’s diet could also be a major reason for your cat farting. Not all human foods are digestible by cats and thus you should choose the food correctly if you want to add it to your cat’s diet.

  1. Spoiled food

Cats love to explore and they love to eat. Trash cans are a big attraction for cats and your ta can end up ending spoiled food like meat or garbage and this can cause serious flatulence and also affect your cat’s health.

Other reasons include sudden dietary changes, hairballs or allergens.

How to prevent cat farts

There are few things you can do to make sure your cat has a fit digestive tract. You can do this even if you don’t notice your cat farting more than usual as its good for her health.

  1. Changing your cat’s diet

Some cats have a diet that is extremely rich in fiber or such foods that cannot be processed by a cat properly. It is time to change her diet. Try adding a mixture of wet and dry foods, see which is better for her. Remove foods that can increase flatulence such as vegetables.

  1. Dairy products

Dairy products are a big no no for your cat. Milk is fine, but don’t offer her nay other dairy related product, your cat is not able to digest it properly.

  1. Slow pace

One of the reasons for gas accumulating in your cat’s belly is because she is eating her food too fast. Change your cat’s dinner time into play time as well. Introduce fun ways to feed her at a normal pace so it doesn’t produce gas.

  1. Removing intestinal parasites

Maybe the issue is more complex then we think. If you feel like all the above steps are not making any changes, it is time to take your cat to a vet. Maybe your cat has intestinal parasites and the only solution lies in medication.

When to go to the vet

Farting seems pretty simple right, nothing to be worried about. But it can get excessive. If you notice your cat farting more than normal, then it might be just her diet or allergies acting up. But there are certain things you might notice that will cause you to worry. These things include; excessive farting, vomiting, bloating, excess drooling, blood in poop and lack of appetite.

All of these signs points towards a serious problem, maybe an intestinal parasite or something more serious. Whatever the case, it is important that you take your cat to the vet immediately.

Selecting the right food for your cat

In this topic you can consult your cat’s veterinarian, depending on your cats age, size and health, the vet will be able to design a diet just for your cat.

One of the basic mistakes that we make while feeding our cat is not caring about their fiber intake. We give them food that we eat, like fruits and that is not right. An appropriate amount of fiber is good for your cat’s health and but a little more and that will result in flatulence.


In most cases, a fart is just a fart and there is nothing to be worried about. But if you see and red flags like bloating, vomiting and pain in the abdomen when you touch her there, it is necessary to consult a vet, your cat might be having serious pain and health issues. But if you are not facing such signs, then a little excessive farting is just because of your cat’s diet, her increased intake of air or hairballs or even allergens. These symptoms are no cause for concern and can be easily solved.

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