Cat- Proofing Your Furniture

Have you ever been to your friend’s place that’s owns a cat and you see her couch and furniture having claw marks everywhere and your friend looks at you helplessly? Now you are the one who’s getting a cat and it terrifies you of what might happen to your furniture. Although, that might not be the on the forefront of your mind, but it is something that people should consider before getting a feisty cat.

Cats by nature love to climb, run across the room and scratch at new and expensive furniture. But there is no reason for that to be the case always. There are several ways you can make your home and furniture cat proof. And once you train your cat from the beginning there is no option for her to disappoint you.

While declawing a cat seems a little harsh and unnatural, there are a few changes you can make around your home that will reduce your cat attacking your furniture and also having a grand time staying with you.

Let us discuss why cats love to scratch furniture, how best to prevent it, and what is the best furniture for cat proofing.

Furtniture and Cat scratch

Why do cats scratch furniture exactly? Well, it is an instinctive behavior for cats to scratch any furniture that is soft and just right. There are many reasons responsible for cat scratching. Major reasons include that they want to mark their territory, by scratching they leave their odor behind.

Cats also scratch to remove their outer nails and file them evenly. They also scratch to relieve tension, and this is a fun way to do it. They also see this as their entertainment activity and view our furniture as scratching posts. So, what should we do to prevent such behavior?

Cat Scratch Proof Furniture Techniques

There are number of things you can do to reduce cat scratching of your furniture; these simple hacks will help you greatly and they require little to no labor on your part as well.

  1. Provide scratching posts

One of them simplest and obvious solution to this problem is providing a furniture just for your cat to scratch. It will be like her own playroom. Now you might say that you have already done this but try using different materials and many options as scratching post. You cat might get bored with just one and wants another new one. Well, provide her with a wide variety of scratching posts like cat tress and cat houses throughout the house so she never chooses your furniture.

  1. Find what your cat likes

Notice your cat’s behavior, see what type of sofa or furniture she usually attacks and find something similar for her. Maybe it’s the color that attracts her or the pattern and then try training your cat to choose the furniture that you bought for her. Make the scratching posts interesting to her.

  1. Scented sprays and texture

Who would have thought that this might be answer to scratch proofing the furniture But you can find out what your cat doesn’t like and basically apply that on your furniture. There are many textures that’s cats don’t prefer, especially silky and velvety texture which they cannot rip out from their nails. Choose couches or sofas of such a texture or find a beautiful drape to go over it.

The next thing you can do is use citrus scented sprays all over your furniture. Why? Because cats are not a fan of citrus fruits or smells and generally steer clear away from them.

  1. Litter box

Another reason your cat is using your furniture as a bathroom is because she doesn’t like where her litter box is placed. This is one the reasons that could create anxiety in cats and this scratching your furniture is a way for them to relieve that stress. Try different locations for your cat’s litter box and she what she prefers. You might start noticing the difference immediately.

  1. Apple cider vinegar

You can also use equal parts apple cider vinegar and water and apply it all over the places or furniture your cat likes to scratch. This is disliked by cats and works wonderfully.

  1. Cat proof materials

Owners have been looking for furniture that their cat won’t scratch. Although this seemed impossible for a long time. But a certain type of fabric has been found to be cat scratch resistant. Such a fabric is puncture resistant fabric which is stain resistant and no scratch marks can be made on it.

Why MicroFiber is Cat Scratch Proof

As we stated above about how microfiber fabrics are scratch resistant. But how is that possible. Lets study this in a bit detail.

Microfiber cloth is made from very fine nylon and polyester threads. These threads are so finely and tightly woven together that they are stain resistant and also scratch resistant. It is one of the most popular fabrics find on sofas and couches and one of the reasons is that they are cat scratch proof.

This fabric is extremely comfortable to sit and lay on, it’s just the scratching the cats won’t enjoy. Due to its soft feel, cats don’t find the rough texture they are looking for. It is also staining resistant and thus very easy to clean. Your cat’s hair won’t stick on it and thus it’s a winner in every situation.

Although having microfiber furniture is a good option it is still not good enough to prevent your cats from ever scratching your furniture. It is necessary to sue the above mentioned techniques as well so your cats can get rid of this problem.

Why declawing your cat isn’t an option

It is never considered okay to declaw your cat. Actually, it is viewed as an inhumane process and many vets refuse to go through with this procedure. Declawing your cat means removing the last bone of her toes, which is extremely painful. This can cause your cat to conjure serious health and behavior issues. This also results in your cat not using the litter box, as it becomes difficult for them to dig and they will end up peeing on your furniture again.

Declawing your cat will also cause her to lose her ability to defend itself or even climb anywhere. This goes against the very nature of cats and thus is the reasons why it is banned in many countries.

An alternative to declawing is trimming your cat’s nails. It is quite easy and safe for your cat and you also. You can also use cat cover nails to protect your furniture from getting scratched.

Training your cat

Cats are not like dogs and thus it is a bit difficult to train them. But do not worry, it is not impossible to train cats and like any other pet, positive behavior and treats is what will get them to listen. If you want your cat to use the new scratching posts that you got her then try using laser pointer or clicker trainer to get her excited and interested towards the new scratching posts.

You can also use pheromones like catnip and other things like threads and bands all over the scratching posts to make it appealing for them. Once your cats become interested in the new places and play there for even a while, their scent will be all over the place and that’s as good a start as any.

How to stop your cat from scratching furniture

  • Whenever you see your cat scratching your precious and expensive furniture, try stopping them with a firm no. a no goes a long way and if your cat notices how unhappy you are whenever she is scratching the furniture, she will eventually stop doing it. It is also advised to never lose your cool when your cat is suing the scratching post as this could be reversed back and your might will stop using the scratching posts.
  • Try using different techniques to startle your cat when she is scratching your furniture or about to. One of them includes spraying your cat with water. As most cats generally don’t like being doused in water, they will get irritated and receive the message once it happens regularly.
  • Another method involves redirecting your cat’s attention. This is especially useful as it doesn’t involve your cat getting angry or irritated. Although, this technique only works when you are present and only for a short time.

Cat proofing your home

Cats are able to cause havoc wherever they go. Then what can we do to prevent our cats from getting in the smaller corners or injuring themselves in the process of playing or even destroying your furniture. There are little changes you can make throughout your home to make it cat scratch proof.

  1. Cat proofing your bedroom

When it comes to your bedroom, the only thing you need to do is put all sharp end stuff high up on a shelf or any place where your kitten cannot reach. You can also close the gap between your bed and the floor so you little kitty doesn’t get stuck beneath the bed.

  1. Cat proofing you living room

Make sure that you don’t leave your windows and doors unattended and open. Your cat can move out and get lost if she is new. Also make sure your couch is either microfiber cloth material or have a similar material clot draped over your couches to prevent your cat from scratching on them.

  1. Electrical cords

Make sure that all the cords in your rooms are tidied up and out of sight as a cat loves playing with hanging things and can seriously injure themselves.

  1. Lids down

You also need to be careful about the toilet seat lid and the trash bin lid. Cats are quite the explorers and you might find them inside a trash bin. Cats can easily drown in a little water and thus it is important to always put the lid down on your toilet seat.


Cats are furry feisty creatures and we love them so much. Especially if they are kittens. But if you a newbie kitten parent, then you are in for so much. Kittens by nature love to claw, hang and climb your furniture or curtains and this might seem cute at first but at after a little time you will start noticing your couches and curtains having scratch marks. These scratch marks once made cannot be hidden, but don’t be disheartened, there are certain things you can do to make sure your other furniture doesn’t face the same thing.

There are simple changes you can make to make sure your furniture remains cat scratch proof. One of them includes changing the fabric of your furniture form leather to microfiber cloth or velvet, as these are generally not rough in texture and thus cats avoid them for scratching. You can also add other scratching posts throughout the house so that your cats ignore your furniture. You can also train your cats to use the scratching posts.

Declawing your cat shouldn’t ever be an option as it is an immensely painful process for your cat and also causes health issues. Your cat becomes unable to defend itself and can’t even limb or use its litter box. Choose the humane way and trim her nails. Train her in a positive manner and she will be sure to come around,

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