Reasons Why Your Cats Purr

Cats are the most amazing creatures, truly. That’s why we love them so much. But we still know so little about them and why they do what they are doing. One of the mod common things we human misinterpret about cats is their purring. No one knows the true reason why a cat purrs.

Although you are not wrong in suggesting that a cat purrs because they are happy, that’s true. But there are other multitude of reasons why a cat purrs, this includes; because they are hungry, they are injured, they are in need of attention, they are nervous, or they are soothing themselves.

If you are a cat owner, it is necessary that you should know how and why your cat purrs. It is an important means of communication and is the most common sound a cat makes. So, what does it mean and what is she trying to tell you.

How does a cat purr

Before we go into the why of the matter, it is important that we first study how does a cat purr. And a little extra information is just beneficial for you. Sounds like meowing, growling and hissing requires little effort and your entire respiratory system is not involved in these sounds. But a purr requires the use of your whole respiratory system cycle, meaning inhalation and exhalation.

A cat purrs with the help of larynx, voice box and the diaphragm. The vibration against the larynx causes the sound of purr to be produced. The unique thing is the sound of the purr is distinctive for each cat, some may be high pitched, and some are low rumble.

Why does a cat purr

What is your cat trying to tell you, why is she constantly purring? Is she just happy? Well, that’s not the case every time and we are going to list some of the major reasons that your cat might be purring and is actually trying to tell you something.

Your cat is happy

First let’s go with the obvious one. Your cat is trying to communicate with that she is happy. When you are cuddling with your cat and she is purring, this usually means that your cat is contended and feels safe. She is trying to tell you to groom her or pet her.

Your cat is hungry

Cats are extremely smart animals and they know what gets your attention. One of the reasons that cat purr is because they are hungry. They mix their purrs with meows to get your attention, as they are smart enough to realize that a purr gets your attention more, then that’s what they use. So, feed her human!

Your cat is injured

Another reason for your cat’s purr is because she is injured. Believe it or not, a cat’s purrs have self healing properties, these vibrations throughout the body helps to cure injuries, relax a cat’s mind, relieve stress, repairs tendons, eases breathing, relieves pain and heals bones. This is amazing and something unheard off. So, if you see your cat purring with her eye closed and completely oblivious, give her some space.

House cats also purr because they don’t want their body muscles and bones to grow stiff from the lack of activity around the house, therefore, it is important that you have some toys for your cat to be active.

Mother kitten bonding

When a kitten is born, it is blind and deaf and the only way it knows to communicate with its mother is by purring. This is a way to comfort their mom that they are okay and healthy. It is also a way for the kitten to navigate its way. Hence, it is one of the first sounds a kitten makes.

Your cat is calming you

This is not entirely true, but it is not false either. One of the reasons of owning any pet, is that they calm you down and keep your grounded. It has been studied that owning a cat can reduce your chances of a heart attack greatly, up to 45%. How crazy is that!

Your cat is anxious

One of the reasons for a cat’s purring is that they are in stress or anxiety. Especially, if a cat is in serious pain or in labor it is known to purr to calm itself down. A purr has a soothing property for the cat and helps them to strengthen themselves also. Not only a cat’s purr is beneficial for themselves, it is great for us too!

How to tell between the different purrs

Now there is no need to get worried after reading this article and getting anxious at the first sound of a purr. One of the primarily and most common reason your cat is purring is because she is happy, and it is obvious by the way she is cuddling with you and sleeping.

If you want to differentiate between the purrs, all you need to do is watch what else your cat is doing, if its her dinnertime, then she is probably hungry. And is your cat is biting you, then she is probably angry. It is only if your cat is purring constantly for a long time, do you need to be worried.


A cat’s purr can tell a lot about her mood. When we own a cat, it is our responsibility to take care of her and how can we do that if we don’t know ow to interpret what she is trying to say. A cat’s purr is one of the most common sounds and we associate it with happiness and while that’s not false, there are other reasons your cat might be purring. So next time, look for the signs, but don’t freak out, it might be your cat just telling you she loves you.

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