Tips for Giving Your Cat A Bath

Cats tend to be very clean animals. However, they can still start to smell. My cat loves playing outdoors, especially during the summer, so he smells like grass and can even have bugs all over him. His version of cleaning doesn’t do justice- he can only get physical dirt off of him, not the stench.

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What Happens if a Cat’s Whiskers Are Damaged or Clipped?

Many people are not aware of the fact about the part that whisker’s play in a cat’s life. Surprisingly enough, it makes a cat, a cat! Whiskers have a very important role and thus is should never be trimmed or damaged. A cat has many quirky qualities, but the most quirkiest of them all is

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A cat lying on a pink blanket Description automatically generated

Finding the Perfect Cat Bed

All cats show different quirky behaviors and you think it can’t get any crazier than that. But do you know the thing that all cats have in common, no matter where they are from and what type of cats they are? They love to sleep!

A cat sitting on top of a car window Description automatically generated

Are Car Rides Enjoyable for Cats?

Many people are aware about the fact that most cats behave poorly during car  rides. If you are a cat owner, you are familiar with this behavior and know how to deal with it too. But still you don’t want to put your cat through this stress all over again.