Finding the Perfect Cat Bed

All cats show different quirky behaviors and you think it can’t get any crazier than that. But do you know the thing that all cats have in common, no matter where they are from and what type of cats they are? They love to sleep! On average, a cat sleeps around 16 to 20 hours a day. It is their favorite hobby. And no, we shouldn’t be judging them for it, as sleeping is a way for them to maintain their physical and mental health and makes them excellent at what they are.

Thus, as good owners, it is our job to make sure that our cats get the best sleep they can get. And for that it is important that we provide them a sleep to call their own, where they can relax and have a nice peaceful sleep. That being said, cats are very picky and not anything is going to work for them. There is a lot of things you need to consider before buying your cat a bed. These things include the right size, the right location, the right material and much more.

Let’s consider these important points in detail before you run off to buy your kitty a comfy bed.

Things to consider when buying a cat bed

  1. Size

This is the most important factor you need to consider when buying a cat bed. Cats like to prefer in places that are cozy. To make sure you get the coziest bed for your cat, measure her from head to toe. In this way you will have her measurement, when electing a bed, make sure to add a few centimeters but not too much, so your cat is able to stretch and move but not too big that it’s not cozy enough.

The amount of space that you have available is also a considerable factor. If you need to see the amount of space you can adjust for the cat bed and find something suitable to it.

  1. Material

From the human and cat point of view also, this is an important factor. You need to find a cat bed made with natural material. Natural material includes wool, feathers and cotton. Now, this is important as it would prevent your cat from getting an allergic reaction. Other reason includes that they are easy to wash. Cats can get their place dirty and overtime the need to wash them arises. Make sure you buy a bed which has a washable, replaceable material and one that is safe for your cat too.

  1. Location

For this factor, you need to study your cat. You need to see where your cat sleeps the most or what is her favorite location. If your cat likes sleeping on a particular furniture, you need to place the cat bed somewhere near that furniture or on it.

If your cats like sleeping on the cupboard or shelves, that means she prefers high places. This is an instinctual habit of cats so that they are aware of what is going on throughout the house. Thus, you need to keep the bed somewhere high up so that they actually use the bed.

There is also another thing to consider, does your cat usually sleep under the sofa or bed or near the windows. Both of these things could mean something. One enjoys the sun and the other enjoys the dark. In such situations, make sure you provide them with a place they are comfortable with. If you don’t do that, you might end up wit an unused cat bed.

  1. Style

You might be shocked about the variety of styles that are available for cat beds. That being said, this also depends highly on your feline friend. Different types include cat trees, which are great for both sleep and exercise. There are also cat condos, they can be used for multiple cats as they have a huge amount of space and different levels so your cat can decide for herself.

Some round beds have raised corners which helps your cat to relax while some have half raised and half lowered portion to act as a door.

You should choose one that makes your cat feel comfortable. Some cats like sleeping in cramped spaces and thus a round bed is perfect for them. Some cats like to sleep near the sun and thus you can get them a window perch bed

  1. Additional features

You can also consider something extra for your cat beds. There are cat trees and cat condos available that are covered with rope on some parts. So not only do they provide a comfortable place to sleep but they are also great as a scratching post and will keep your cat away from your precious furniture.

Anything you buy, you should first know your budget. Cat beds are not so cheap and if you can, you should try making one yourself. cats are very picky, and we don’t want you to waste your money on a thing your cat won’t even use.


As sleeping is an important part of your cat’s daily routine, it is necessary that she does it at a place that is her own and comfortable too. Finding the perfect cat bed is a lot harder than it looks but if you know the points you have to consider like the size, style, material and location of the cat bed, there is no way you cat wont appreciate you. Knowing all this, cats don’t get overly happy about new things so, for them to like their bed, you would have to place them in their favorite spot, give them treats and apply positive behavior so they can get used to their cat bed.

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