Why Are Kittens So Hyper?

If you are a cat owner, then you probably know how hyper kittens are. We love cats just as much as everyone does, but sometimes they can be too much to handle. Especially, if you have a kitten who is just a few weeks old, then it would be jumping around, climbing the curtains, tackling your feet and just chasing around all over the place.

The reason that kittens react in such a hyper way is just in their nature, as they are growing up, they explore their predatory nature, their newfound strength and coordination. Although, this behavior may seem cute at first, but you quickly start to lose your nerve. Well, don’t be hasty just now, there are several ways available by which you can calm down your kitten. But first let’s see why they get so hyper in the first place.

Reasons why kittens are so hyper

Cats are hard to read, and you rarely have any idea why they are doing what they are doing. Although, it is nothing to worry about, it is important you know what your cat is going through and what you can do to control it. The main factor for such strange and crazy behavior is just that they are going up and experimenting and exploring their nature, but such things shouldn’t annoy you too.

Hyper at nights

One of the major things you will notice is that you cat is super hyper at nights. Why is that? Well its because your kitten might have too much energy to waste. This might seem too simple, but most of the kittens spend their days sleeping and eating, all that energy needs to be released at some time and typically its when they see you!

Predatory behavior

At times, you will notice your kitten spying you and then running towards you very fast, jumping on you and biting you for fun. It’s because they are going up! And now they want to hunt. Many pet kittens don’t need to hunt for their food and now they are using this energy as a fun means of playing with you. This is something that shouldn’t be stopped as it is a part of its nature.


When you have a kitten at your place, know that it is separated from is mother and requires the attention that a cat mother might give. This is also one of the reasons your kitten is acting so hyper and it is nothing to be worried about. All you need to do is create a fun and calm environment for your kitten.

How to calm down a hyper kitten

There are many ways your kitten is trying to communicate with you, and it is important that you learn the language of your kitten. It can be a way for you to stop the crazy behavior your kitten is exhibiting. There are many ways you can stop the crazy cat behavior and discipline your kitten, let’s see how.

Play time

It is important that you give your kitten a proper play time. This is essential for her growth and her activities as well. Your cute little bundle of energy needs to let out all that energy sometime, so do it according to your terms and arrange and play date with her. Include various kitty toys and exert her energy so she won’t be troubling you when you sleep.


It is important that your kitten has her own toys. By toys we mean things she can climb, scratch and destruct without ruining your precious things. Cats love climbing around stuff and scratching sofas with their nails, well get them their own toys so they don’t ruin your home.

Make them work

By that we mean make them earn their food, everything you are doing is trying to exert their energy in a productive manner, well one of the way of doing that is making them find their food or earn it by teaching them various orders and discipline.

A friend

This might be too much to ask but it’s the right thing to do. Kittens love playing with other kittens, no matter how aggressive it might get, this is their way to unwind. By having a companion, they won’t trouble you anymore with their craziness. Or this might just backfire and now you have to deal with 2 hyper kittens! Just kidding.

A safe haven

A kitten should have her own place to unwind and play and do all the craziness. It could be a small room or a little kitten house or wherever she can be herself. You can also use cat trees; they are a great and awesome way for our kitten


Leaving your kitten to brood and be lonely is not a good way to discipline her and will only result in negative behaviors. Make sure that you give plenty of attention to your kitten and play with her. Also include her in your routine activities and cuddle with her. This is a way to show your love and will make your kitten more complacent towards you.


Kittens are a bundle of joy, but they can be too much to handle, even for a cat lover. Well you don’t need to worry, all you have to do is play with her, give her time, make her work and increase her activities throughout the day. A kitten is bursting with energy and she needs to exert it, and it might result in extremely hyper behavior. But it is nothing to worry about and she is just experimenting with her newfound strength and maturity. By following the above mentioned ways, you can easily control these behaviors.

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