Why Do Cats Knead?

There must be a number of emojis that you must have seen on the internet of a cat kneading dough or making biscuits. These emojis are not lying, we are saying that cats make dough, but they certainly make this motion with their hands. As a cat owner, you must be pretty familiar with the sight of your cat kneading. Kneading is a motion of the hands in which the cat pushes it paws inside and out. Cats look extremely cute doing this and you might have a lot of videos saved on your phone. Find them a soft surface or even your lap, and your cat will find the urge to knead.

Since this behavior is extremely common in cats, have we ever thought about why cats do this? Is it just a habit or is it useful for them in anyway? Although, the exact reason is still not clear, many believe its because it relaxes your cat, others believe it’s a habit they haven’t gotten rid of from when they were kittens and many more.

If you are as curious as your cat and want to know the reason for why cats knead at all, then read along to better understand your cat and its quirky behaviors.

Reasons why cats knead

Although, thee exact reason why cats knead is still unclear, there are many speculations that people have made depending on the cat’s mood and what they require.

Helps in reducing stress

You might have seen your cat while kneading, she probably has her eyes closed, maybe even drooling and almost purring the whole time. They seem to be enjoying this time, and why is that so? Nobody knows. But kneading makes a cat happy and relaxes her mind. Maybe it’s a way for her to take off the stress. Kneading is also a way for her express her love to you. So, don’t be worried about a cat kneading, its something they enjoy and nothing to be worried about.

Habit from the early ages

Where did this habit come from? Well, when your cat was jus a kitten, kneading was a way for them to stimulate their mother’s milk. Cats would knead around the nipple for the milk to come. This is what they would do every time at the time of nursing. Strangely, this habit of them stays with them till adulthood and is a way for them to feel comfort. This is also the reason why cats knead on soft surfaces.

Making a place to sleep

Cats have wild ancestors and it is believed that kneading might be somehow related to that. Cats have a habit of kneading their bed or any soft surface before they sleep on it. It maybe a way to make the place soft or its just a habit they have gotten from their ancestors. They are trying to make the bed as comfortable as possible for them. You must have seen on many channels how wild cats like to knead their place before they rest on it. Its just a part of their nature.

Staying fit

Cats are natural sleepers. Seriously, nobody can beat them at their napping game. With so much napping going on, they need to stretch themselves out to keep their joints flexible and comfortable. It is like how you stretch your arms when you wake up from a deep sleep. It’s the same for cats and to prepare themselves for the next nap.

Marking territory

Cats are extremely possessive, and they don’t like sharing at all. especially what is theirs. Knowing that, cats have a way to mark their territory. This includes peeing at a place or rubbing all over it. And apparently, kneading on it. Cats have scent glands at the bottom of their paws and thus by kneading, they get their scent all over the place, claiming it as theirs.

Looking for possible mates

One of the many speculations about why cats knead also involves the thought that they might be doing it because of a mate. You will find a cat kneading, purring and lying on their side to invite a mate.

Keeping the claws trimmed

As one of the reason states above, cats like to knead on their owners lap too. A lot actually. While you cat is trying to show you affection and contentment, it is only hurtful on your side because of your cat’s claws. While you can’t punish a cat for kneading, as it is a part of their instinctual behavior and something that is causing them no harm, it is important that you keep your cats nail trimmed.

Some people find it painful to trim their cat’s nails and yes, if you do not know how to do it properly, it could be very hurtful for your cat. There are many other ways you can make you cat kneading as less painful for you as possible. You can pull your cat away from your lap and on another soft surface. You can train her to stop kneading on your lap or you can start playing with her or give her a toy to distract her from kneading.


Cats knead as a way to show affection, to show contentment and to mark their territory. It is also an old habit from their early age from when they were nursed by their mother.

Kneading is one of the many quirky behaviors that you experience in a cat. That’s just the way cats are. And there is nothing wrong with it. Most of the habits of cats are instinctual and harmless but if you feel like they can get a bit out of hand, you can easily train your cat not to do it.

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