impairment of a signals intelligence collection platform

[92] This needs to happen without creating a false firewall with military activities, as the US created NASA as an ostensibly civilian-only organization, deliberately picking a civilian, Neil Armstrong to put the first footprint on the Moon. NSAcollects SIGINT from various sources, including foreign communications, radar and other electronic systems. The Swedish Air Force operates the S-102B Korpen aircraft which is a modified Gulfstream G-IV business jet. The first Tselina-2 blasted off in September 1984 under official name Cosmos 1603 and declared operational in 1988. The Department of Defence Receiving Station Shoal Bay is located approximately 12 Mi north east of Darwin, Northern Territory. The aircraft has been reported around the western edge of North Africa, the Western Sahara and the Mediterranean.[66]. The Chinese airship that floated over the US and Canada was likely a multipurpose intelligence platform, gathering a variety of information types. Russian aircraft with SIGINT capability include the Il-20 and Tu-214R. The AN/SLR-25 is a passive cryptologic exploitation system principally for tactical use, but that can make contributions to higher levels of intelligence. They also sought German involvement in Helios 2. [80] a.k.a. On the long-range Navy P-3 maritime surveillance aircraft is the AN/ALR-66B(V)3 ELINT/MASINT system targeted against radars. This is not wildly dissimilar to the way the US has the National Reconnaissance Office to launch and operate satellites, with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) analyzing the imagery. The JMCGS is controlled by the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) and is being operated under the UKUSA agreement meaning that all data obtained is being shared with the NSA. Sweden uses the ArgoSystems/Condor AR-700 series SIGINT. 0X9z**&5j6++* yy/Z The U.S. Constitution, federal law, executive order, and regulations of the Executive Branch govern NSA's activities. Complicating matters is that the European Space Agency (ESA) is new in non-civilian applications. Russia and China, at various times, have operated or are operating intercept stations in Cuba. French Transalls were upgraded in 1999, with a new head-up display and an upgraded electronic warfare suite, with a radar warning receiver, missile approach warner and chaff and decoy dispensers. The German SAR Lupe and Italian CosmoSkyMed radar satellites will last up to 2017 or 2018.[93]. This is a low-level collection team, which typically has four personnel Online Marketing For Your Business impairment of a signals intelligence collection platform The members of the NSAwork force charged with foreign intelligence production receive very specific training advising them of their responsibility to protect the privacy of U.S. persons. [22] According to Hager, the GCSB's ground-based signal stations have in the past intercepted a wide range of foreign electronic communications including Japanese diplomatic cables, French military activities and nuclear weapons testing in the South Pacific, Pacific states' military maneuvers and trade agreements with the Soviet Union, and Russian/Soviet ships in the region and research bases in Antarctica. Gabriel SIGINT versions of the Transall are an upgraded electronic surveillance version in service with the French Air Force, which also operates four Astarte strategic communications relay versions. The German Navy operates the Oste-class fleet service ships which are purpose-built SIGINT and ELINT reconnaissance ships. The British Nimrod R1 was a variant of the Nimrod maritime patrol aircraft. Instead, excessive information collection leads to information overload on both the individual and institutional levels, impairing the US intelligence community's ability to do its job. elicitation can be best described as a guided conversation with a concealed purpose. Used in tandem with L3Harris' modular . [79], Germany has selected a platform for SIGINT, based on the Global 6000.[81]. Shoal Bay is being controlled and operated by the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) and its mission is SATCOM interception as well as interception of high frequency signals. In addition to Samyukta, other role-specific tactical platforms include: During the Second World War, New Zealand established seven radio interception stations to support the Anglo-American war effort against Japan. Commercial Solutions for Classified Material (CSFC), Hosted by Defense Media Activity - In 1998, a British-French meeting in St. Malo, France, produced a declaration that the EU needed "a capacity for analysis of situations, sources of intelligence, and a capability for relevant strategic planning (emphasis added). They identify and process the intercepted signals and perform analysis to establish target identification and . In 1976, responsibility for production of the aircraft was given to Aerospatiale in France and MBB (now DaimlerChrysler Aerospace) in Germany. [93], Greece is a MUSIS partner, which should be considered in assessing the potential of information sharing among the partners.[93]. This article is a subset article under the main article Signals intelligence, which addresses the unifying conceptual and technical factors and common technologies in this intelligence discipline.This article deals with current signals intelligence collection equipment by nation, including fixed and mobile ground stations, ships, submarines, aircraft and satellites. Spain plans a dual-use optical and radar system. Chinese personnel, in 1998, began operating the Bejucal and Santiago de Cuba facilities. Intelligence Operations", "Northrop Grumman, EADS Joint Venture Awarded $559 Million to Develop German Euro Hawk", "EL/L-8300 (Israel), AIRBORNE SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE (SIGINT), ELECTRONIC SUPPORT AND THREAT WARNING SYSTEMS", "PICTURES: First RAF Rivet Joint aircraft arrives in UK", "Prospects for a European Common Intelligence Policy", "Europe's Space Policies and Their Relevance to ESDP", "DGSE General Directorate for External Security (Direction Generale de la Securite Exterieure)", "Ariane 5 Successfully Orbits France's Helios 2A Satellite", "Jonathan's Space Report No. External bodies such as the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), the President's Intelligence Oversight Board, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Justice provide oversight to ensure the Agency's adherence to U.S. laws and regulations. Arbalet-M is mentioned in Russian literature as a portable direction-finding and electronic attack system Due to the arrangement between France and Germany to exchange Helios 2 and SAR Lupe imagery, excluding the non-French partners in Helios. . Both Tselina O and D versions were flying side by side until 1984, when Tselina O subsystem was abandoned and its functions integrated into those conducted by the Tselina D spacecraft. The minimum radar-warning receiver is usually a set of spiral antennas, backed with resonant cavities, whose amplitude can be compared to determine the direction of greatest signal strength. Los Angeles-class submarines have modernized and smaller ELINT, the AN/WLR-18 "Classic Salmon" for lower frequencies and the AN/WSQ-5 "Cluster Spectator" for higher frequencies. A US-made variant, reported to have internal differences, is used by Saudi Arabia. When mission configured, and working cooperatively with other MEWSS PIP platforms, the common suite of equipment can also provide precision location of battlefield emitters. The collection of signals intelligence is necessary for the United States to advance its national security and foreign policy interests and to protect its citizens and the citizens of its allies and partners from harm. This fourfold characterisation may usefully be used to compare key aspects of examination systems that have existed in different times For Harpoon targeting, the Netherlands uses the ArgoSystems/Condor AR-700 series SIGINT. Additionally, Hermes 450 and Hermes 900 UAVs are operated by the 1st Squadron, 12th Aviation Group (1/12 GAv) "Hrus" based in the Santa Maria Air Force Base[76] and three R-35AM aircraft equipped with the Thales DR-3000 Mk.2b EWS were also operated by the 1st Squadron, 6th Aviation Group (1/6 GAv) "Carcar" until their deactivation in 2021 due to maintenance difficulties with the aging aircraft.[77]. Signals Intelligence Analyst (35N) Instructor - HTASC - 111. Pursuant to EO 12333, NSA is authorized to collect, process, analyze, produce, and disseminate Signals Intelligence information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence purposes to support national and departmental missions, and to provide signals intelligence support for the conduct of military operations. If the parabolic antennas are standing on an open site, it is possible to calculate on the basis of their position, their elevation and their compass (azimuth) angle which satellite is being received. In a Ministre de la Dfense 12/18/2004 statement, France announced[98] that Helios 2A is part of an exchange program planned with the SAR-Lupe and Italian COSMO-SKYMED systems, under development respectively in Germany and Italy. The facility has been built in the early 1990s[1] and originally manned by AUS defence personnel, later augmented by UK personnel previously assigned to Hong Kong. The AN/USC-55 commander's tactical terminal (CTT) is a multiservice-developed, special application, UHF satellite communications receiver that can be dedicated to receive critical, timesensitive intelligence by commanders and intelligence centers at all echelons, in near-real-time, at GENSER or SCI levels. In the latter half of 2013 and early 2014, the United States Government undertook a broad-ranging and unprecedented review of our signals intelligence programs, led by the White House with relevant Departments and Agencies across the Government. In the 1994 Air Intelligence Agency (AIA) history, Misawa is specifically associated with ECHELON only in the context of a collection system called LADYLOVE. The Seawolf and Los Angeles classes were directed at the Soviet threat, so the newer Virginia class has additional capabilities for the littoral environment. [104] After proof-of-concept of an ELINT payload on the first-generation IMINT satellites, the Tselina program was started in 1964, and the first successful launch of the simpler, lower-sensitivity Tselina O was in 1967. As a very basic part of those changes, not only are considerably more intelligence assets being assigned to the BCTs, but to larger army formations. France has operated several generations of SIGINT ships, but is moving to its first purpose-built vessel as the third generation. Any of the four stations can act as mission control. The technical department of the French espionage service, DGSE, operates a major communications satellite collection site at Domme, in the Dordogne valley to the east of Bordeaux, in south-western France. From 1972 to 1989, low earth orbit SIGINT satellites were launched only as secondary payloads with KH-9 and KH-11 IMINT satellites. "High-resolution imagery fm *U-2* flybys revealed high-altitude balloon was capable of signals intelligence collection operations." Reminder that if balloon payload included imaging sensor(s), balloon is unique long-dwell hi-alt platform. Most importantly, each NSAemployee is charged with knowing, understanding, and obeying to the fullest the laws of the nation. As the Western observers noted, the Tselina D spacecraft, known in the West as the "heavy ELINT," would orbit the Earth in groups of six satellites spread 60 degrees apart in their orbits. As with RREP SS-1, the SS-2 operates at the modular level and at the integrated system level. It could gather data from corporate, government . Its sensors covered the tactical to strategic spectrum. One exception, the SIGINT auxiliary USSSphinx, generally stayed off the Nicaraguan coast. A flight management system with two Gemini 10 computers and a new radio management system have also been installed. SIGINT plays a vital role in our national security by providing America's leaders with critical information they need to defend our country, save lives, and advance U.S. goals and alliances globally. 0s2#`<3:}pnBW,A)"ZBcD L&PXI"\i 3Y"3-gSp-we"P8-o4}_ 1 .ZsFW6S4~La-]"?a(]L\L`uC$Z\s0 Q`'/Hgt]0?PT7B/baB.K!KXTNcwv ZXVmj? 3X%?G%_oU8h etG3 Successful SIGINT depends on the skills of language professionals, mathematicians, analysts, and engineers, to name just a few. communications signals in the HF/VHF/UHF bands. [65] RIVET JOINT is the most common SIGINT type. Essaims operate in a linked system of three active satellites with an in-orbit spare. Remoteable Analysis Workstations (RAWS) provides the capability to do analysis and reporting in or away from the shelter, connecting via LAN or radio in the latter case. The system is designed to have an automated tasking and reporting data link to other MAGTF assets such as the AN/TSQ-130 Technical Control and Analysis Center (TCAC) PIP. German-built Dolphin submarines in Israeli service have several missions, SIGINT being one of them. As sensitive information is often encrypted, signals intelligence often involves the use of cryptanalysis. Far from it, in fact. limited experience base soon after graduation from intelligence school. These units use four spiral antennas and a radar warning receiver under a common dome, with the ELINT function covering 0.518GHz in five bands. Signals intelligence specialists oversee the collection and exploitation of electromagnetic signals, including communication and non-communication signals. SIGINT is intelligence derived from electronic signals and systems used by foreign targets, such as communications systems, radars, and weapons systems that provides a vital window for our nation into foreign adversaries' capabilities, actions, and intentions. The Joint Defence Facility Nurrungar (JDFN), located approximately 9 Mi south of Woomera, South Australia, was a ground station operated by the Australian Department of Defence and the USAF. Sturgeons were more optimized for reconnaissance than the subsequent Los Angeles class, which have greater speed, but less internal space, and optimized for blue water, principally anti-submarine, missions. In the mid-1980s, with the development of the Ariane launcher and its associated large launch complex in French Guiana, the French liked the idea of such independence. Additional nations have launched IMINT satellites; SIGINT seems to be a lesser priority, with radar MASINT often a higher priority. Rio SIGINT capabilities meet rigorous mission requirements for small, manned and unmanned intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platforms with the ability to intercept, locate, monitor and record communication signals using a common set of software applications. Click on the Create Public Account link on the left side of the screen. WEU has concentrated on IMINT, which is increasingly less sensitive than other intelligence disciplines due to the availability of commercial imagery. Boeing also has built a "Wedgetail 737" for Turkey, and appears to be marketing this as an alternative to the lower-end systems being built for business jets such as the Gulfstream. Later versions are on the E-6 modification of the Boeing 707, the E-6 used by the US as a TACAMO command and control aircraft. Note that Prophet Block II adds electronic attack (EA) capability to Prophet, while Block III upgrades the Prophet receiver to collect against advanced and special signals. Spain appears to be developing a coordinated SIGINT approach using submarine, ship, and aircraft platforms. NSA is prohibited from requesting any person to undertake activities that NSA itself is prohibited from conducting. There are a number of bilateral agreements for satellite cost and intelligence sharing. The Naval Security Group Activity (NAVSECGRUACT) at Sugar Grove, West Virginia, has missions defined including "maintaining and operating an ECHELON site". DKQ=2kJjh!C]!eh>(k21 dMBY2 finding, analysis, reporting, and collection management support. On April 27, 1979, the Military Industrial Commission, VPK, officially approved the Zenit as a launcher for the Tselina-2 satellite. The first seems concerned with intercepting US telephone communications and data traffic, while the second appears aimed at US military satellites One is a large complex at Bejucal, just south of Havana, which has ten SATCOM antennas, and which is primarily concerned with intercepting telephone communications in the US. [54] With its participation in the EADS consortium, Spain obtains access to new technologies. He further alleges that GCHQ Bude in Cornwall is also a SigInt collection system associated with the Echelon network.[5]. The impairment of a fixed asset can be described as an abrupt decrease in fair value due to physical damage, changes in existing laws creating a permanent decrease, increased competition, poor management, obsolescence of technology, etc. to HE360, the signals it plans to collect and analyze are not cur-rently available in the commercial sector. [29] The AIA history says the "Misawa LADYLOVE activity was initiated during the Cold War to intercept Soviet military communications transmitted via satellitealong with similar operations at Menwith Hill, UK; Bad Aibling, Germany; and Rosman, North Carolina. Balkan operations and both dependence on US assets, and exclusion from certain information, further pushed the desire, although the topmost levels of government had not yet been convinced. The second should be launched in late 2007, and the remaining two in 2008-9. [54], Israeli Elbit provides the TIMNEX 4 CH ELINT/targeting set, which covers 218GHz, provides radar warning, and 1.4 to 5 degree DF (depending on frequency).[54][58]. Navigational systems include EFIS 854 TF Electronic Flight Instrumentation System, which includes an Electronic Attitude Director Indicator (EADI) and Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator (EHSI). Raytheon and Northrop Grumman would be the partners for the actual SIGINT electronics.[89]. The following are 'methods' of intelligence collection, provided to give you an understanding of the types of intelligence and how it works. The JDFPG is currently equipped with six large radomes and 13 small radomes and uncovered dishes intended for military and civilian SATCOM, cellphone and internet voice and metadata interception. The French Air Force will begin retiring its fleet of C-160 transports in 2005. [25] used in the Second Chechen War. RREP SS-2 employs advanced receiver capabilities, cellular phone and other digital communications collection and DF technology, global positioning system map navigation software, a more modular design, and electronic attack capabilities. [27], Assigned 1 per Marine Division, 1 per Marine Air Wing, and one per Radio Battalion, the AN/MSC-63A is a shelterized communications switch that provides a secure semiautomated data communications switch and terminals for the processing of general service (GENSER) or defense special security communications system (DSSCS) sensitive compartmented information (SCI) record message traffic.[27]. In addition, five battlefield surveillance brigades (BfSB), of which an MI Collection Battalion is the core element, are being formed. It was first implemented in 2000 and should be in all US submarines by 2012. Also the Bundesnachrichtendienst, Germany's foreign intelligence service, will receive an optical satellite system consisting of three satellites from 2022 onwards. The program, which went through several generations, ended when compromised, by Ronald Pelton, in 1981. 3 0 obj Major improvements are an improved direction-finding antenna and an EP-2060 pulse analyzer. Himashakti, a signals intelligence platform for operations in mountainous terrain to support constrained logistics and mobility challenges. While there had been considerable resistance, in the 1970s, to admitting to "the fact of" satellite IMINT,[106] there was considerably more sensitivity to admitting even to "the fact of" US satellite SIGINT. An interesting but poorly understood feature of the Tselina-2 system is that the satellites are placed into orbits that interact strongly with features of the Earth's gravitational field ("14th order harmonics") in such a way that the natural orbital decay caused by atmospheric drag is inhibited for long periods of time. [62], US submarines infiltrated the territorial waters of potential opponents to raise low-observability antennas and collect radio SIGINT. (V)3 is similar to (V)2 but adds an additional shelter and workstation. How to use impairment in a sentence. Its data is shared with the Bundesnachrichtendienst BND. a corporation that is incorporated in the U.S. [17] These two stations are currently run and operated by the Government Communications Security Bureau, the successor to the NZCSO and New Zealand's main signals intelligence agency which was established in 1977. Currently, under an Army directive, the relevant stakeholders are trying to clarify the EW support mission, which involves the collection and identification of signals, and the SIGINT mission as those in the community see them as complementary but not contradictory, Lt. Col. Chris Walls, deputy division chief for strategy and policy in the cyber directorate, said at the C4ISRNET conference. !NY8SO.LC>FaPHAxn;,p) X=.,:mO,Gb{ps7Lm!IvjX1Q0( qBiA~*r3=/XD_iu endstream endobj 181 0 obj <>stream It also can operate in a stand-alone mode. An indicator of an ELINT role is the presence of a cheek-antenna array externally similar to the AEELS (Automatic ELINT Emitter Locating System) on the RC-135U/V/W. On 18 December 2004,[95] Helios 2A, built by EADS-Astrium for the French Space Agency (CNES), was launched into a Sun-synchronous polar orbit at an altitude of about 680 kilometers. Thales developed the signals intelligence (SIGINT) system for which there are 10 workstations in the main cabin. Coupled with an AN/SSQ-120 Transportable Radio Direction-Finding system, the ACCES provides a complete SIGINT collection system. The Tangimoana Station was built in 1981 by the Third National Government and began operations in 1983. [citation needed]. Signals Intelligence is a category of intelligence gathering, most often by military or intelligence agency personnel, comprised of the messages and data of one or more parties and collected using any combination of communications, electronic, or foreign instrumentation signals intelligence, regardless of how the information was transmitted. In military telecommunications, electronic support (ES) or electronic support measures (ESM) gather intelligence through passive "listening" to electromagnetic radiations of military interest.They are an aspect of electronic warfare involving actions taken under direct control of an operational commander to detect, intercept, identify, locate, record, and/or analyze sources of radiated . SS-1 enables the radio reconnaissance teams (RRTs) to target the majority of low-level, single-channel, unencrypted tactical signals of interest used by military, police, insurgents, and other potential hostile forces throughout the world. Starwindow, Extract and Tigershark. The digital replacement, in French service, is the ARUR-13. SIGINT capability, however, is fairly rare, with France in the Western European lead. This site, which includes at least 11 collection antennas, seven of them directed at Atlantic satellites, is clearly as extensive and capable as sites in the UKUSA network. <> It contains, The AN/PRD-12 is a tactical, man-transportable system that provides search, intercept, and DF on Prophet, with the I-REMBASS monitoring system, will form the Ground Sensor Platoon of the brigade combat team Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition (RSTA) Squadron. In 2004, the European Space Council was formed, although it is still struggling with dual-use issues, and the relationships with NATO and US policy. A large data archive of images will be kept in a former Cold War bunker. European nations deal with a complex set of issues in developing space-based intelligence systems. In addition to our own intensive work, the review process drew on input from key stakeholders . Early tactical stations were in use as early as World War I, but permanent strategic signals intelligence stations were established as world tensions grew before WWII. [54], Older submarines use an Elettronica BLD-727 DF, but the newer Type 212s will use German SIGINT. What defines the intelligence role of NSA? But beneath all the fancy definitions, SIGINT is intelligence collection through the interception of signals whether those signals are via communications (COMINT), or via electronic signals . [90][unreliable source?] select all that apply. Three new sensors have been installed for aircraft position and attitude control: an inertial reference unit (IRU), an attitude and heading reference unit (AHRU), and a global positioning system (GPS). UK E3D AWACS do not have SIGINT capability. Greece uses the ArgoSystems/Condor AR-700 series of submarine ELINT/ESM for targeting Harpoon missiles. It will have wideband acquisition, direction-finding and analysis sensors, for real-time monitoring and recording for subsequent analysis. The most common aircraft used in a strategic role by US allies are Boeing 707 conversions for the lower-budget, lower-capability installations, and Boeing 767 conversions for the higher-end. The MEWSS PIP and future enhancements will provide the capability to exploit new and sophisticated enemy electronic emissions and conduct Electronic Attack (EA) in support of existing and planned national, theater, Fleet, and MAGTF SIGINT/EW operations.[38]. corpus - a . According to the current and former officials, the Directorate for Signals Intelligence, or DFS, employs about 1,700 people and has at least six surveillance facilities that eavesdrop around the . The HIDRAH system has a unique design that may be employed independently in a handheld manner or by mounting it to an M16 or M4 rifles. At a Helsinki meeting in December 1999 and a follow-up meeting in Sintra, Portugal in February 2000, there was agreement on a 15 brigade multinational corps with air and naval support, ready by 2003. [4] A 'cyber-warfare' unit at the station focuses on computer data traffic. It has not been announced if Spain, as a Helios 2 partner, will have access to French Essaim ELINT. NSAneeds to collect and understand the information, interpret it, and get it to our customers in time for them to take action. Some systems are used at land stations of all services. (Some Sturgeon-class submarines such as USSGurnard were fitted with the AN/WLR-6 and AN/BRD-7 Systems in the late 1960s.) Danish subs had the UK Racal/Thales Sea Lion precision DF system. There is a SIGINT platoon within the Intelligence Company of the new Marine Special Operations Support Group. It carried out significant missions in the Indian Ocean following the 11 September 2001 attacks. [52] The dedicated SIGINT EP-3 uses a JMOD (Joint Airborne SIGINT Modification) program to a JMOD common configuration (JCC). [45], The Navy's hydrographic vessel HMNZSMonowai was also used by the GCSB to intercept Fijian military radio communications during the 1987 Fijian coups d'tat. endobj The system fits into 3 HMMWVs with mounted standard integrated command postlightweight multipurpose shelters, tunnel-mounted power generation units, and towed 2.4 meter (C, Kuband) and 6.1 meter (C, Ku, X-band) antennas. impairment of a signals intelligence collection platform or an unexplained compromise of U.S. intelligence operations are examles of: an anomaly. Journalist Duncan Campbell alleges that Ayios Nikolaos Station on Cyprus is a British SigInt collection installation. In 1968, the next tactical improvement was the RU-21 LAFFIN EAGLE and the JU-21 LEFT JAB, the latter being the first with computerized direction finding and data storage. The system is called "GEORG" ("Geheimes Elektro-Optisches Reconnaissance System Germany")[100], Germany is a MUSIS partner, which should be considered in assessing the potential of information sharing among the partners. It provides 14 channels of digital voice or data, to intelligence (SCI) or general military (GENSER) with a maximum aggregate data rate of 1.544 megabits per second (Mbit/s). endobj There are more (Like Traffic Analysis and Electronic Order of Battle, or EOB). Federal law and executive order define a U.S. person as: an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence; an unincorporated association with a substantial number of members who are citizens of the U.S. or are aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence; or. Known targets have included Vanuatu, the French overseas departments of New Caledonia and French Polynesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Tonga, Tuvalu, and the Solomon Islands. To go to the next level of sophistication, phase is considered as well as amplitude, and interferometry adds further information. Norway also expressed concern over the St. Malo declaration, and in February 2000, British officials spoke about a proposal that the EU take on collective defense, that still being a NATO responsibility.[91]. In no case, however, are these the only SIGINT antennas on the aircraft.[66]. Clementine, the second generation, was launched in 1999. Where the preceding satellites were in close to geosynchronous orbit, JUMPSEAT/TRUMPET satellites were in Moliyna orbits giving better polar coverage.[64]. As an. %PDF-1.3 % Human Intelligence (HUMINT) is the collection of information from people. Airbus (formerly DASA) also equips German submarines with the Telegon 12 HF interception and DF suite. When no more than a mast breaks the surface, in the worst case they can become radar targets, so virtually all modern submarines will have the minimum ELINT of a radar warning receiver. Italy is developing the Cosmo-Skymed X-band polarimetric SAR, to fly on two of the satellites. The French Air Force will begin retiring its fleet of C-160 transports in 2005. The Mexican Air Force has 2 Embraer P-99s and 1 Embraer R-99A. ox\mc4t' DR6d_bM: Italy plains joint development, with France, of the ORFEO (Optical and Radar Federated Earth Observation) system, to be launched in 200810.

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impairment of a signals intelligence collection platform